Thursday, June 12, 2008


Why is my luck just so bad?

-Okay, it's not all bad, I have the really important luck, such as healthy children and a loving sweetie. I know this is minor-

I'm trying to study, and I'm sick! I must have caught whatever it was the kids had, because I have a fever, and I'm just soooo tired all the time. Not to mention, my brain is mush!
Oh well, I'll get some work done, and we'll see how it goes ;-)
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Amanda Jean said...

oh, no! I hope you feel better soon.

Tonya said...

Aw, I am so sorry, Tine! I hope you feel better soon, it must be really hard to study when all you want to do is sleep : (

Suzanne said...

Not nice to hear your are not well. Hope you get better soon.

mathea said...

Poor thing! Take care and get well soon! I'm sending warm thoughts your way - to be taken with lots of fluids ;-)

Lily Boot said...

Oh Tine - that is too bad! I loathe feeling ill - not so much the ill-feeling but that I cannot do all the things I need/want to do! I'm sending you healthy thoughts, lots of vitamin c and warm cups of whatever you like. :-) Take care!

ladydi said...

Memo to Mother Nature: Moms can't get sick - they don't have time. Please take special care of Tine and help her to get better soon! :>}

jacquie said...

So sorry Tine. It's so tough to study when you don't feel well. Sending you good healthy vibes!