I have tried to put my scraps and stash to use, and I have some different projects to show you over the next couple of weeks :)
First I will show you my picnic quilt!
This quilttop is made entirely from scraps. I cut 3" strips to whatever length the scrap would allow. Some are long and some are really short - depending on the length of the scrap-piece it was cut from.
I have pieced them totally randomly, and added each strip once it was finished. It's a little scary for a quilter so addicted to arranging and rearranging LOs as I am :)

I am really happy with how it turned out, though. It is bright, happy and busy enough to hide all the spills....

I quilted
flowers like these from Oh Fransson - only mine are connected in a continuous line, I hate securing all those loose ends!
Here is a shot of the quilt in action. The I SPY fabrics in it helped keep the kids busy :)

My favourite thing about this picnic quilt is the carrying strap I attached to it. It is made a'la
Anna Maria Horners Totable Towel. Only I didn't do the envelope sleeve.
BTW this year I am definately making a towel like that for a Christmas present for my sister!! I have wanted to since I first saw it, so this year it is going to happen!!

We don't have a car, so we have to carry everything, or be able to balance it all - and the kids - on our bikes. So being able to carry this like a shoulder bag is such a great help!
My oldest is starting school in less than 2 weeks. ACK! Where did all that time go?!
Anyway....looking forward to seeing what I have missed in blogland - I know it's a lot, so I have a lot of exciting reading to do...mmmm a cup of tea and blog-reading!