
Sunday, June 8, 2008

I love string-piecing!

So I cut the fabrics. I'm making a Plain Spoken quilt (from the book Modern Quilt Workshop) from the solid-colored fabrics, so you'll have to wait a bit longer for me to get started on the hourglass quilt....

It was a lot of cutting, I really need to learn some good cutting-techniques.

Anyway, this was my first time trying string-piecing, and I love it! It's a totally different way to work, I'm not tired at all, eventhough I sewed all the blocks needed for the quilt!

Now I need to press them all... Let's see when I get around to doing that. Not my favourite part of quilting. LOL!

My sweetie bought icecream -just for me! Good thing my children go to bed early, so I didn't have to wait too long :-D

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  1. yes!yes!yes! string piecing is marvellous! :-) It is so much quicker and more efficient and you save all that thread! That's an awesome looking pile of piecing - glad you had fun!

  2. Tine, Love the fabrics and the quilt you are working on. I am so excited I have that book too. I will have to take a second look at it and maybe consider making it myself. I can't wait to see your progress. Oooo and Ben and Jerry's to top off your night, what a treat!!!

  3. Ok, now I have to go find out what string piecing is. I am really itching to make a quilt, it will be my first one. However, there are so many great quilts out there, i can't pick one lol

    that is going to be a beautiful quilt, I can't wait to see it come together : )

    Enjoy your ice cream ; )

  4. I'm not familiar with the term string piecing so I'm not sure just what it is. However, I know EXACTLY what that ice cream and sooo wish I had some right now too!

  5. so this is what you are making with those lovely solids!! ooo cant wait to see you putting it together!! i love the colors you chose

  6. Can't wait to see how it comes out, Tine. I have that book, too, but I've never made a quilt from it. Not surprising, since I've only made one and a half quilts in my entire life. Maybe you'll inspire me to bump that up to two and a half.

  7. Thank you for all the nice comments :-) I think maybe string-piecing is really called chain-piecing....does that help anyone?? If not, you can see it explained here: It really saves a lot of time and energy :-)

  8. can't wait to see the end product... and ice cream... good rewrd after a hard day's work. I need mine tonight!

  9. This colour combination of fabric still has me excited, I cant wait to see your finshed product either.

  10. Wow! You sewed all those blocks in one day! Maybe the good work fairy will come and press them for you so you can put it all together.
    :>} I can't wait to see it.

  11. Way to go on your quilt!!! A question...where does your DH buy that ice-cream??!! I've looked all over Denmark for that brand and have never seen it!!! Hilsen, Mary Ann
