
Saturday, June 7, 2008

I found a new favourite place to shop!

I went to a fabric store today, that is only a 10 minute busride from my house, and so incredible!
They had so much fabric! Bolts and bolts of quilters cotton! -there was lots of other types of fabric as well, but I'll have a look at that some other time!
There was so much fabric, and was cheap! I couldn't decide on anything (too many choices), and went with something I know I will need for my upcoming projects. LOL!

I bought the 6½" ruler, because I can't seem to forget this quilt!

That quilt also needs a lot of white, so I chose two white prints.

These solids are for another project I have planned for this summer, we'll se when I get started.
So many projects.... Maybe I'll get started on cutting tonight?!
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  1. Whoohoo! Nothing beats a fun shopping trip with lots of fabric. Isn't contemplating a new project the best?

  2. Ej, nu bliver jeg nysgerrig - er det den der ligger ude mod Brønshøj? (som står på min to-visit liste).

    Skønt at du har fået en blog (endeligt ;-))


  3. @Diana: It's the best! I still need to quilt my I SPY, though...

    @Mette: Hej! Hvor dejligt at se dig her! Ja det er tekstillageret på Frederikssundsvej. Meget stort udvalg, og gode priser...

  4. Hi Tine :0 I love that dragon pattern he's so cute! Are you making him soon?

  5. I love that dragon pattern too - or is it a dinosaur ... either way it is lovely lovely

  6. Great to find a wonderful fabric shop! Nice purchases. I'll be watching for that hour glass quilt!

  7. What a great shop to have close by. Oh those lovely solid fabric colours - I might need to start sewing, they are so yummy.

  8. Super, så må jeg afsted (kan man godt have børn med?) :-) Tak

  9. Nothing beats a good fabric shopping trip, does it? It's amazing how I, as someone who usually hates shopping(!), can spend hours doing it so as long as it is for something quilt related! That hourglass quilt will be great - can't wait to see what else you are up to.

  10. Can't wait to see what your create.

  11. Wow! I must see that shop next time I come to Copenhagen! Very nice soft toy pattern and so cheap!!! I think it is better to come by car via Sweden and along Öresund Bridge there!!!

  12. @Mette: Man kan sagtens have børn med, jeg havde min 3-årige med... Det ville have været rart at være der alene, men det er nok også mest fordi jeg blev ramt af akut beslutningsangst pga det store udvalg!

  13. Oooh I bet Ask wil love that drimasauren! He's just gorgeous. And I so agree about crazy mum's quilt - it made me want to run straight into the sewing room and start making hour glasses - we could do it like an eye spy quilt using scraps from everything we have! And look at you - you cut up the plains straight away! Go girl!
