
Friday, December 31, 2010

Grocery Bags 2010

These bags are the best!!
I love mine! Most of these were given away as gifts, and I have received only positive feedback.
Grocery Bags
If you click the picture, you'll see the links to each picture. The comments on the purple bag (#3) has the link to a tutorial for these.
If you haven't made a few of these already, put it on your list for 2011!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Finished Quilts 2010

When I set out to make this mosaic, I could only think of 2 quilts I had finished in 2010. So with that in mind I guess having finished  4 big quilts and a doll quilt is ok.
I also have 2 quilttops waiting - they are not in this mosaic.
Click the picture to go to Flickr and see the links to tell you the story of the different quilts. 
3 of the big quilts were given away, and so was the doll quilt. Maybe that's why I feel like I haven't finished any quilts this year? The only one still at my house is the picnic quilt. I do love that quilt though, right now it is under our Christmas tree pretending to be a tree skirt - a real tree skirt should be on my to-do for 2011!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Home sewing 2010

I did manage to sew some stuff for our home in 2010.
I still have a lot of projects I want to complete in 2011, but let's see how much I get done!
Home sewing
If you click the picture, it will take you to Flickr where the links to the individual pictures are.
My favourite project is the curtains. They have been needed for so long, and once I actually started them, they were pretty easy to make.
Everyone loves a project like that, right?!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rude candy!

It is so cold here in Copenhagen, and we have a lot of snow!
These are the bikes I pass every morning when going to work and every afternoon going home.
Covered in snow 
I understand why their owners leave them there!! Mine is parked at work and will most likely stay there for atleast one more month. Probably more.
Speaking of work, my co-worker and I both love licorice, and we often buy some for both of us. I found these the other day - they must be the most politically incorrect thing I have seen in a very long time!!
Politically incorrect candy
They are almost too big to eat, but that just makes for a nice and quiet office. LOL!
But seriously...have you ever seen anything like these?!

I am about to kiss the kids goodnight, and tomorrow is the first day of a 5 day weekend, the kids and I are going to have so much fun! I hope!
And if I am lucky I will have time to do some sewing ;)

Monday, December 27, 2010

To do before 2011

I am a part of the Row10 quilting bee on Flickr. I am so late finishing up my last row :(
LauraJay has been more than patient with me, and now I really need to get this done! I am not very happy with my free-piecing these days, so everything takes me a very long time :(
Working on LJs Row10
But yesterday, after my family left and I had cleaned our apartment a little, I sat down to sew. I wish I could tell you that it was easy-peasy - but no!
I am still not happy woith how it turns out. But now I am thinking I'll do it, and I'll do my best and then LJ will have her row - and it will "only" be 6 months late *shame*

I also want to make some fabric grocery bags before Miss V goes back to school January 3rd. We never gave her teacher a present, because Miss V had pneumonia most of December and didn't get to go to school. Boo.
Last night when the kids were having their baths I managed to cut 3 grocery bags while watching them! Yay!
More grocery bags in the making
Miss V has claimed one for herself (mom.....I need it when I go grocery shopping with dad!) and one for her teacher. The last one will be a special present for a friend of mine! Cutting them is the part that takes time, sewing them is much more fun.
After finishing these 2 projects, I can start looking at what I want to sew in 2011.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Lunch

Every year we have the same Holiday plans. My parents and my sister arrive on the 22nd for Miss Vs birthday, and they live quite far away, so they stay with us until after Christmas.
During Christmas we have Charles' family come over and celebrate with us, so we have lots of company during the Holidays!
This is a picture from our Christmas lunch Dec 25th. We were 11 people in all, quite a lot for our apartment :)
Miss V had made the candles and given them to Charles as a gift - she was very proud to see them on the table.
We had a traditional Danish Christmas lunch, so lots and lots of food!! We sat at the table from 1PM until 6 PM. Lots of food and lots of fun :)
My sister, my mom share in the cooking, and Charles' brother brings the drinks. We have a wonderful time.
But every year I promise myself, that I won't eat that much EVER again!

My parents and my sister are leaving today, our home will be strangely empty without them. And I go back to work tomorrow. I work Monday and Tuesday, and then I have taken Wednesday, Thursday and Frisday off. Maybe I'll be able to sew? I have lots of stuff to finish before I can make sewing plans for the New Year!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Morris Workshop quilt done!

My parents have recently moved from their house in the country and to an apartment in the city. I am so happy for them, the house was huge, they had to drive everywhere and there was a huge garden to look after.
So all in all a good thing. For the new apartment they bought a new couch...and as we all know, a new couch needs a new quilt :)
This is the label...I wrote Merry Christmas 2010" and our names. Miss V wrote her own name and did some drawings. I like how it turned out :)

The fabric is "Morris Workshop", I have had it for a while and am very happy to have used it all in a quilt, as I had planned. The solid is Kona Cotton in Mocha.
Please just look at the quilt, and not the mess :) I like how this turned out, and my parents are so happy with it. They were totally surprised by it! Yay!
Also, I must say that finishing this quilt was quite a challenge, my parents have been staying with us most of December because Miss V has had pneumonia, and I haven't been able to work on it while they have been here!
I pieced the backing using the rest of the prints, some Kona Cotton in Mocha and Moss and a dotty print from my stash.

This was a fun quilt to sew, not a lot of cutting and most of it could be string-pieced.

My only problem now is, that my sister just bought new couches too....
-and she turns 40 in January!

Merry Christmas!!

Picture from
I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Peppermint Bark

Miss V and I made Peppermint Bark this morning - it's her 6th birthday, so she gets to choose a lot of todays activities :)
This was so easy to make, I don't know why we have never made it before! Yum!
Peppermint Bark 
We're expecting company in about half an hour, so I have to get off the computer again...just wanted to check in and say hi - and say if you have not made Peppermint Bark already - then do it!!
Oh, and the Moriis Workshop quilt for my parents is done, it is in the wash. As it should be since they are arriving any minute now!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Present from work

At my new (well sort of new) job, we could chose one of 6 different presents for Christmas. So no surprise, but a better chance of getting something you will actually like!
I chose this
Christmas present from work
This is a SKAGEN watch - I really like it!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Moomin love

Look what Charles gave me today! A brand new Moomin mug!
Present from Charles 
How cute is that? Moomin, snow and a winter-feel! I love it!

I still have lots of presents to buy - and no time to go shopping :/ So I am a little stressed out about the whole gift-giving/-getting thing this year.
And to make it even worse, Miss V has pneumonia. So I have no idea how I am going to get any shopping time. Please keep your fingers crossed that the penicillin kicks in real fast. I so want to take her Christmas shopping!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Lucia Day

Our neighbor brings us these every year.
Multimedia message 
Such a delicious tradition! Charles is half Swedish, so he really appreciates these ;D

Sunday, December 12, 2010

How to quilt this?

Somehow I never find settling on how to quilt something easy....I mean, there are lots of ways I would love to quilt this, but most of those I can't do. And I am not going to send this one out to be quilted...
Sandwiched the morris workshop WIP 
I also have lots of straight-line-quilting ideas for this, but I really don't enjoy quilting straight lines....
Do you have any suggestions? I am off to Flickr to search for some inspiration.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

New ornaments for our tree

C and I agreed that we need some ornaments for our tree...not that our tree is half-empty or anything like that. It's just that most of the ornaments we have, are some that we have given the kids! If we don't start buying some for ourselves, we'll have an empty tree when they move out. LOL!
C's christmas(tree)coffee
I got this cute coffee ornament when I was in Vienna last month. Too cute if you ask me :)

Miss V and I went shopping today, and she chose this angel for herself
Miss V's angel
The frog is for Little A
Little A's frog
The tiger is for C - he really likes that ;)
C's tiger 
I love getting new decorations for our tree. 
And so do the kids ;)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mr Sødestes 40th Birthday

Charles turned 40 this weekend, and Saturday we had an open house - in other words, we had a house full of guests from noon until 8PM.
It was fun - and and he loved it.
I knew what I wanted to give him, but had a very hard time finding it......he as been wanting a movie poster from a Danish movie from the 50s (60s?). Either way, they are very hard to find!
Thursday I finally found someone who had it for sale, but I wouldn't be able to pick it up until this week :(
GiftCard Monster 
So I made him a giftcard, and a monster giftcard holder!
He loved his present, and he thought the monster was really cool!
I have to show you some of the other artwork he got, his friends are too funny :D
Now I am looking forward to sewing Christmas presents, a birthday present for Miss V - I can't believe she'll be 6 years old soon! -  and something for my sister who has her 40th birthday right after New Years....Oh...and then there's the quilt for my parents, I still need to sandwich and quilt that. Better get off the computer!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010


I have seen these around Flickr and blogland, and I have always thought they are really cute.
But as with so many other projects, I have never actually made any.....until Miss V saw these cuties.

She went straight for the scrap baskets and choose 5 sets of 2 prints!
Tissue Holders 
So there you go...5 tissue holders, ready to be wrapped up and given away as Christmas presents. 
Miss V is really proud of these, she chose the fabrics very carefully ;)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The countdown begins

my oh my....
Getting ready for Christmas
Only 23 days to go...and I still have so much work to do! I am seriously doubting if I will be able to finish eveything in time for Christmas! Oh well, one day and one task at a time, and then I'll see how far I get.

And to make matters worse, Charles' 40th birthday is this Saturday...and I haven't been able to find the thing I want to give him!!! I know what I want to buy, I just can't find it!! The stress!!