
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Home sewing 2010

I did manage to sew some stuff for our home in 2010.
I still have a lot of projects I want to complete in 2011, but let's see how much I get done!
Home sewing
If you click the picture, it will take you to Flickr where the links to the individual pictures are.
My favourite project is the curtains. They have been needed for so long, and once I actually started them, they were pretty easy to make.
Everyone loves a project like that, right?!


  1. Such cute projects! I have some blank journals, I think I'll try to do something clever like photo three and four.

    Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing,

  2. great mosaic! i need to make one of these :)

  3. Isn't it great to realize that you have actually made a lot of stuff? It's great to see it all together like that. I might follow your example. Thanks for the lovely comment about the bag I made :-)

  4. You've had a very productive year! Especially as you didn't mention the gazillion loads of laundry you washed, the thousands of meals prepared and served, and the hundreds of times you vacuumed, dusted, and tidied your home. All that, and making the time to be a wonderful mom to Miss V and Little A.
