
Monday, December 27, 2010

To do before 2011

I am a part of the Row10 quilting bee on Flickr. I am so late finishing up my last row :(
LauraJay has been more than patient with me, and now I really need to get this done! I am not very happy with my free-piecing these days, so everything takes me a very long time :(
Working on LJs Row10
But yesterday, after my family left and I had cleaned our apartment a little, I sat down to sew. I wish I could tell you that it was easy-peasy - but no!
I am still not happy woith how it turns out. But now I am thinking I'll do it, and I'll do my best and then LJ will have her row - and it will "only" be 6 months late *shame*

I also want to make some fabric grocery bags before Miss V goes back to school January 3rd. We never gave her teacher a present, because Miss V had pneumonia most of December and didn't get to go to school. Boo.
Last night when the kids were having their baths I managed to cut 3 grocery bags while watching them! Yay!
More grocery bags in the making
Miss V has claimed one for herself (mom.....I need it when I go grocery shopping with dad!) and one for her teacher. The last one will be a special present for a friend of mine! Cutting them is the part that takes time, sewing them is much more fun.
After finishing these 2 projects, I can start looking at what I want to sew in 2011.

1 comment:

  1. I don't see a purple one. What color did Miss V choose for herself? What a great gift for her teacher! Did A's teacher get one, too? :0)
