
Friday, November 26, 2010


I have been looking forward to Friday most of this week. Not because I didn't want to go to work - I did. But because we have been making progress on some home-improvement projects that have been put off for way too long.
Remember this post about curtains? I finally did it!!
New curtains
I chose a fabric (IKEA) that Charles and I would both like, and then I was able to finish this whole project in an afternoon!
I am sorry this second picture is a bit blurry, but you can still sort of see what the curtains look like. I am very happy with them :) -oh, and please excuse the messes in the pictures. I have so much cleaning up to do, it's not even funny!

I am also hoping to find time to take the kids out for a snowball-fight tomorrow. We have a lot of snow here at the moment, and they have to be given the time to enjoy it while it's here :D


  1. The fabric you chose is perfect for your living room. Hope you and your children enjoyed playing in the snow.

  2. They look great Sodeste. Well done!

  3. Nicely done! Playing outside with your children is MUCH more important than any cleaning projects.

  4. They are very pretty Tine. Lovely fabric too. Is that a fox on your radiator?

  5. homemade curtains can be challenging. so well done. they look very smart.
