
Saturday, November 20, 2010

One down! Too many to go ;D

Christmas (and in my family also birthdays) are just around the corner, I have hardly even begun sewing! I am so behind this year.

When we were at IKEA the other day, I bought a towel so I could make a Tote-able Towel following Anna Maria Horners tute.
Tote-able towel for my sister
She likes to go scuba diving, and she enjoys going to the beach in the summer - so I am thinking this will be a good idea for her.
This will either be her Christmas present or her birthday present. Her birthday is January 5, so I need to have her present ready when I see her during Christmas :)


  1. Great gift idea - love the marine print - perfect!

  2. You can do it!
    That tote is great :)

  3. And does she read your blog??? It's beautiful - I love the ocean scene towel.
