
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Taxi Tote and an award!

This tote is my sisters birthday-present. It's January 5th, so she usually brings her present, when she goes back home after the holidays. I used the Taxi Tote pattern from Anna Maria Horners book "Seams to me". It was a great pattern and really easy to follow. I haven't made bags before, and I think the interfacing I used might be a little too heavy. Or does it get softer as you use the bag??
I was also a little confused about the patterns, I couldn't find any info on seam-allowance, and didn't know if I should add it to the pattern or not. I'm sure she writes about in the book somewhere, I just couldn't find it ;)
After sewing the bag, I am pretty sure, I should the seamallowance is included in the patterns. Oh well!

I hope my sister will like it anyway :)

Thank you for all the birthday-comments for Charles yeaterday, I have read them all to him, and he was very happy :D
I also showed him the part of the post that didn't include his quilt ;)

Melanie from JellybeanAngel gave me this award! Thank you so much :)
It is impossible to me to choose who to pass this on to. You are all so creative, and I wish I could just give it to all of you!

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  1. The bag is very nice. I like your fabric selection. I am sure she will love it!

  2. The bag is great! But will it be a surprise? Doesn't she read your blog? I have seen that book and it looks like a great one.

  3. Hia Tine, lovely job on the bag- love the fabric and colours. I'm sorry I can't help with the seam allowance problem- I haven't made her things. I would add a little as often bags suffer wear and tear and a little extra seam allowance can make for an easy repair.

    Glad Charles had a happy birthday.

  4. Congratulations on the award Tine and the bag looks fabulous.

  5. Oh I forgot Tine, I have something on my blog for you.

  6. Your sister will definitely love the bag you made for her! Love the fabric you used (O:

  7. I love the bag, and your sister is sure to love it, too. We have December and January birthdays in our family, too. It's a lot of sewing to get done!

  8. Tine, you have been so busy! Where do you get the time????

  9. Love the bag. Oooh and the quilt for your husband has turned out so nicely. Potholders for your husband - if my husband cooked I would make him tons of potholders !

  10. ooo.. NICE job on the bag. I love it!! Your sister will too.
