
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Today is Charles' birthday! Congratulations Sweetheart!
Viola and I made him these potholders, using Messy Karens potholder tutorial. They were as quick to make as she says they are :)
Viola and Ask chose a piece of fabric each, that's why there's a princess potholder. Lol :D
The denim I used has a bit of strecth in it, making it a little difficult to quilt them, but it all worked out ok.......had I stopped to think, I would have ironed some interfacing on it.

Here's the denim-side of one....look....I quilted straight lines! I'm very happy with that, maybe I'll start building up courage to quilt a grid?!

I made them quite large, 27cm x 27cm (10½" square), and they are perfect for him.
The potholders are from the kids, I ended up having to buy him a present. Lol. Somehow I just don't seem to have time for more sewing projects right now!

I finished quilting Charles' Christmas-present-quilt last night, I quilted a heart in the center of each square, it's a little difficult to see in the photo -but they are there. Lol :)
I'm still waiting for the batting and backing for my sisters quilt, hopefully it will get here soon!

Until then I really need to work on a presentation for class on monday, and a paper due January 5th.... Busy-busy-busy!
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  1. Happy birthday to Charles, I love your homemade gifts you have made for him.

  2. Happy Birthday to Charles! He got really lovely presents!!!! What would Ask and Viola like to get from Santa?

  3. Charles is getting lots of love this month. your quilting on his quilt is amazing. the swirls and hearts are a perfect combination. and you made the potholders. i'll add a note on my pattern about the fusible.

  4. feliz Cumpleanos Charles!
    I love how his quilt came out. You have put alot of love into it.

  5. Happy happy birthday to Cahrles. Hope you had a wonderful day (O: Good luck with everything you still have to do!

  6. Happy Birthday Charles!
    Make good use of those pot holders. :-)

    hey wait a minute.. if Charles is reading the blog.. then he sees his Christmas present??

  7. Happy Birthday to Charles.
    Don't work yourself too hard lovely lady!

  8. Well done the quilt is looking beautiful! It's great when you can involve children in crafting while they are young. Something has to stick. :-)

    Good luck with the presentation. My idea of a nightmare.

  9. Happy Birthday, Charles!!!! Those potholders are so sweet, I am sure he will especially love the princess one ; D

    You did amazing on the hearts, that couldn't have been easy. I am sure Charles will love the quilt, I know I do!

  10. Happy Birthday Charles!! What a lucky guy!! Good luck with your presentation!

  11. I absolutely love the quilting you did on Charles' quilt. The hearts are so perfect, and a good "signature stitch" from one sweetheart to another. I bet it was hard not to give it to him for his birthday! Good luck with your presentation, you brave soul.

  12. Hi again Tine. I have a little something on my blog for you.

  13. Hope Charles had a great birthday!! His quilt is looking fabulous.

  14. Happy Birthday, Charles...take your wife out to eat to celebrate!

  15. happy belated birthday to Charles!!! hope you had fun celebrating his birthday!
