
Friday, November 7, 2008

Why get it right the first time?

Remember the zig-zags I was making for my sisters Christmas-present quilt? Well...I just couldn't get all that excited about them...something wasn't right. And since I have so much time to make all the Christmas-presents I have planned (HA!), I decided to do something different with this.

I am feeling much better -Ask is back to normal and back in daycare- so this morning I started unpicking the zig-zags. And was left with a big pile of flying geese.
I have made these blocks instead, and I am liking it much better. I have enough flying geese to make 12 blocks. So it will be 3x4 blocks with white sashing in between. Much better, I think!
Maybe I'll try AmandaJeans tutorial for a pieced border on this one?!

I think the time spent with my seam-ripper was well spent. It is no fun working on something I don't like, and it would have been even worse giving it away as a present when I'm not happy with it.
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  1. So glad that you and Ask are feeling better.
    I think the blocks look great and colours are beautiful. Great work Tine, you are so talented!

  2. they look even more striking this way round. Although I am a fan of the zig zags, I think you've made the right decision.
    I love how the dots are the background and the white is the main colour - I would never have thought of doing it that way and it looks amazing.

  3. I have been thinking of using color as the background and white as the main color but since I produce so few quilts, I usually stick w/ the expected way. I best rethink that. Your blocks are LOVELY! Great job!

  4. While I did like the zig zig quilt, I agree, the flying geese blocks are much better. I love them, the white geese on the polka dot fabric is perfect and the white sashing will make them really pop! Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

    I am glad Ask is feeling better, it is so hard when little ones are sick.

  5. So cool that you were able to take a project and turn it into something else! I like your dutchman's puzzle blocks. They look great. And I think a pieced binding would look so cute.

  6. Wow! I liked it a lot before, but I like it even better now. It's going to be gorgeous! So glad to hear you and Ask are feeling better. I love your title. Getting is right the first time must get dull, don't you think?

  7. Yay! You are sewing again!
    I liked the zigzag just fine, but this is much better and original. With sashing and borders, it will look stunning. I still can't get enough of the pretty polka dots.

  8. wow...what a's much more dynamic now. congrats! it is hard to work on a quilt that you're not thrilled about.

  9. It looks great and I agree, it is so hard to work on something that you don't like. Glad you are happier with it now.

  10. What a difference it has made just changing the orientation of the blocks. Glad you are happier with it now - I am sure your sister will love it!!

  11. I love the geese blocks the colour is beautiful! Can't wait to see it finished :)

  12. Very pretty. I like it both ways!

  13. sometimes you just know when something isn't right. Time spent unpicking was well worth it. The blocks have even more impact as flying geese.

  14. yes yes yes! This is gorgeous! I think a pieced border will look sweet. Are you going to sash it?

  15. ooops... I missed did say white sashing. :-) it will be so pretty!

  16. I REALLY like the revamping of the flying geese! So sorry you had to unpick the whole thing, though! Look forward to seeing it finished.

  17. i love the colors. your sister will love this

  18. This one was called Dutchman's Puzzle when I used it in my sampler quilt class. I have always loved this block and love the polka dots as the backgrounds in the blocks. Very striking!

  19. i did love the zig-zag. but when it doesn't feel right you just have to unpick. after making so many flying geese blocks. they are so time consuming. so it's nice that you have shown it off. polka dots are so much fun.

  20. Tine-my seam ripper and I are best friends! I think it looks just beautiful. I am attempting my first quilted tablerunner, gotta start small! I might have to e-mail you if I need help!

  21. totally with you on the importance of stopping and starting again Tine! If you don't love it, it isn't right! and I love your flying dutchmen. :-) Hey, I also quite like the colour of your carpet as the sashing!

  22. Ohhhh Tine! I love these new blocks! So worth all that one on one time with your unpicker (thats what we call a seam ripper in Oz!). :)

  23. I'm impressed with your dedication to this quilt-that's a lot of stitch ripping! I like the new design, but I liked the zig zags, too.

  24. Those blocks are wonderful. Well worth the effort you put in! :-)
