
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm still here!!

Another picture from our bikerides through the city....

I am still here! Ask and I are sick, I have a billion pages to read for my class......
On the bright side, Ask is better, and will be back to his normal lovely self very soon, and hopefully I should be so too :-) Once he is okay it shouldn't take me long, being able to sleep at night is so healing -compared to being kept awake by a sick 1 year old!

Election Day in the US is pretty interesting for us in the rest of the world please vote if you are able to do so! Please!
I know I am keeping my fingers crossed and will be checking the internet at the crack of dawn to see who will be the next president...

Until then.....I have been given an award! YAY! Thank you Thrifty Mrs!!!
I am very happy to get this award!


  1. i am grateful that the weather has been so nice. so i am spending more time outdoors. what a view over the water. being sick is just no fun.

  2. I hope that you are feeling better soon. Good to hear that Ask is feeling better. I love the pics of the countryside. Truly beautiful! Election results are just starting to come in now. We'll see.

  3. Tine, I can't believe you got sick again so soon. I am so sorry that happened - have you tried discarding your toothbrush and getting a new one? A lot of nasty germs sit there among the bristles.
    Feel better soon! (And yes, thank you, I voted. :>}

  4. lovely picture of your bike route. Congrats on the award.

  5. Hope you are feeling better soon. Congrats on your award, and thanks for giving the US readers a reminder to vote! It worked, we did it!!

  6. Hope you feel better soon Tine, its so hard to recover when your energy is needed for Ask.
    Voting is compulsory here in Australia how about Denmark.

  7. Sorry to hear that you and Ask aren't very well. I hope that you get better very soon.

  8. poor you that you have been so unwell! And Ask too! It's just not reasonable for mums to get sick - 'cause we just can't lie quiet and peaceful in bed. :-( Hope fully all be bright and lovely again soon - and congrats on your blog award - well deserved!

  9. Glad to hear your little one is doing better. Hope you will be on the mend soon. Good luck with your studies. And congrats on your award.

  10. Thank you for all your comments. I hope you get back to sewing soon. Congrats on the award.
