
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Come for a bike-ride!

On our way home, the kids and I pass some very nice places, atleast I think so! So I thought, I would share with you all :-) The first picture is Violas favourite part, she loves how the trees make a roof over the bike-path (her words. LOL!)

This next picture is one of my favourite stretches (I make it sound like it's a long journey!!! It's really only 5 km), I like this because, it's on top of a bridge, the rest of the way home is all flat, and....this is downtown Copenhagen right in front of us. Seriously, we could ride one of the tourist-busses from the kids daycare to our house, we pretty much see all the sights of the city on our ride home every single day..... Well, not all, but many :-)
This is the old stock-exchange, built in 1619-1623. I'm sorry the pictures are a little blurry, I was riding my bike when I took these ;-)
This is a department-store, remind me to take another picture in December, they have christmas-lights around all the windows, and it looks beautiful!
.....these are all the sights for today....I have lots of blurry shots to share! LOL!

Viola needed new slippers for daycare, she doesn't want to bring her unicorn-slippers, she's afraid they'll get lost....
So I bought her a pair of plain grey wollen slippers. Not very interesting or fun for a little girl :-(
So we decided to have some fun with them. We went shopping, and found some purple (what else is there?!) sequin-ribbon and some sequin-flowers to add.
Much better.
And the flowers help her put the right slipper on the right foot.


  1. Loved the tour! It looks like a beautiful place to live and visit. I love the newer version of Viola's slippers, these are perfect for a little girl.

  2. Love the slipper make over!! Your part of the world looks lovely - thanks for sharing!

  3. oh i would so love to come visit. built in the 1600's...wowser!
    love the slippers...much better now.

  4. Loved all the pictures! I showed my husband and he and I are just sitting here dreaming of being able to go to that part of the world one day. I'm reminding you already-take pictures of that store with all the lights on in December-I can't wait to see it!

    And what little girl doesn't love slippers with sparkles like that? Pretty!

  5. Thank you for sharing a ride through your city with us. It looks like the most beautiful place, I love the department store and I can imagine it would look so wonderful with Christmas lights.
    The slippers look great too.

  6. Thanks for sharing your bike ride! I love the architecture of the department store! and Loooove those slippers!

  7. Thank you for sharing your ride!
    Well, my comment looks exactly like the previous one, but I really appreciate it - beautiful places. I just realized I have nothing local on my blog - I have to change it soon.

    And I do love the way embellishment helps kids sort left/right issues ;)

  8. Thanks for the bike ride - love that corkscrew spire!
    And I love the way you have personalized Violas slippers - she is lucky to have such a creative mum :-)

  9. I love seeing my blog friends' parts of the world! The nice wide bike lane on the road is something we don't see here - what a great idea. Do a lot of people use it? Viola is so wise not to take her unicorn slippers where they might get lost - and the new slippers must have been a really fun project.

  10. I loved seeing the photos from your city. how wonderful!!!

  11. Loving the bike ride...very cool idea. Wendy

  12. Those are great pictures! I don't think I could snap decent photos from my bike. :-)

  13. Interesting to know.
