
Monday, September 29, 2008

Christmas sewing

I want to make little giftbags for the children instead of a stocking or a regular advent calendar.
To make them a little more festive and Christmas-looking, I decided to appliqué one of the little houses from "Welcome to the North Pole" by Piece'O'Cake Design onto each bag.
I started this a while ago, but then placed a window too low.... After dreading moving the window for weeks, I finally did it -it took 2 minutes!! Now I'm back on track with this little house. I need to add some white snowy ground for the house to stand on, then on to the fun stuff of sewing the actual bag and adding all the embellishments!

....and then make one more ;-)
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  1. how cute! I have had that book on my wishlist for years!

  2. Your children will be so happy when they see their bags! And thank you for inspiring me to get going on Christmas projects - that tree of yours is a great reminder.

  3. What an adorable house!! I love the sloping roof. Window looks perfect.

  4. I love Piece o Cake designs and your block came out beautiful! I know what it is like to agonize over something only to find out that it won't take that long to do.

  5. This is so cute, I think your kids will love this.

  6. it's so cute! Can't wait to see it all finished.

  7. so cute and practical. what a great idea. your kids will luv them. i always agonize about re-doing something. it's true that it doesn't always take that long.

  8. What a charming design for a Christmas gift bag! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  9. Oh what fun to see one of "my houses" in a different colourway - I actually made an advent calendar for one of my nephews when he was little with houses from the same book - I must dig out a picture to show you!
    I love your idea of using them for giftbags - thanks for the link, they are great! I thought at first that you were going to make one for each day of advent, but was relieved on your behalf when I realized it was one per child ;-)

  10. What a great idea! It's one I should do for my grandkids. It's nice to read about the different ways people use our patterns. Thanks for sharing this one!

    Becky, Piece O' Cale

  11. Can't wait to see them done, it is a great idea!

  12. What a great idea! I can't believe it's 85 days until Christmas (saw it on your sidebar). You're getting a good head start!

  13. WOW - that house is oh so very cute!!! I wish santa was bringing my presents in a cute house bag!! =]

  14. you have done a lovely job on that appliqued cottage. I had that book and started a project but it was just too tiny for my big fingers.

  15. Oh Tine it's so sweet! Very Tim Burton meets Piece o'cake! I so know what you meant about fixing something wrong - I will mooch about over it for weeks and it is never as bad as I think to fix it, and ever so pleasing when it is right!

  16. oh gosh tine!! now i have to go get this pattern! your house is way too sweet
