
Friday, September 26, 2008


These are the pirate prints Tia sent me, I think they are perfect for Ask! I'm going to fuzzy-cut the pirates and the treasure-chests, and use the coin-print as a border.....and make something inspired by this.

These prints are going to be used for the backing. They came from Tia as well (how cool is she?!). I am going to piece the backing :-)
I am working on a paper for my webometrics-class, it is such a great class, I am really enjoying it.
It is also a lot of work, so I spend most of my time either reading or in front of my computer. I have had to work on the floor, because my sewing machines, fabrics, cutting mats and such is taking up all the room on my desk..... I think it is just not my desk anymore, it is my sewing- and cutting table :-)
And really, there is so much more room to make little piles of paper, when working on the floor! Only downside is, I have to move everything out of the way before going out to pick up the children...

But really, that is a small price to pay for not having to clear my sewing-stuff out of the way!
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  1. Oh I have the problem of spreading onto the floor often. I am so happy to hear you are enjoying your class.

    The fabric is such a darling print just right for a little boy.

  2. oh... u look very hard working there... the last time i saw so muchj paper to read was like 10 years ago... now, i have this much of a pile to mark :)

  3. Argh... that is cute fabric! I especially love the backing.

    I have lost our diningroom table for years now.

  4. Tine, you are so busy. I love pirates - a pirate quilt will be superb.

  5. Great prints, it will be such a fun quilt! I love your working space! The quilt underneath it adds the finishing touch.

  6. that is going to be an amazing quilt! I love Pirates. I see the i-spy is coming in handy as a floor cover for you! ;)

  7. Great fabrics! I haven't seen those before!
    I used to work on my bed a lot which would certainly need cleaning at bedtime. The floor is good too!

  8. Oh, but it is such a pretty workspace you have there with your studies on that gorgeous quilt! Those pirate prints are so adorable-perfect for Ask! So Cute!

  9. I think you have a great plan to use the pirate fabric for a quilt for Ask. it'll be so cute. and I personally like your on the quilt workspace. :)

  10. That quilt is going to look amazing. I also like the quilt you're using as inspiration... when she posted it I put it in my favourites to use the idea some day.
    Ask is going to love it!

  11. Cool quilt guy loves pirates, too!

  12. Is this more Christmas sewing? I never saw gold coin fabric before!! My son would have loved it at that age. Lucky Ask! I agree - much better to move the papers than the sewing projects.

  13. he is going to love this. the fabrics are so cute!

  14. I am floor person all the way.
    The pirate fabric is very cute.
