
Friday, August 8, 2008

Hooked on Stars!

I really was not happy with how my doll quilt for the flickr swap was turning out.
And since I had some extra fabric, I decided to start over.....again. This time, I decided to do some piecing, since the appliqué turned out nowhere near what I wanted ;-)
I used this tutorial for the maverick stars. So fun to make. I used 3½" blocks and just added the little corner triangles made from 2" squares.
Much better, this I like :-D And hope my swap-partner will too!
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  1. I love those stars - their wonkiness is so appealing!

  2. AAK! I actually like the butterfly quilt better. For some reason my brain can't process wonky very well - it prefers things to be symmetrical - boring, I know. Aside from that, I do appreciate your lovely workmanship.

  3. I like the stars, they look so hard to do. You must be very patient. I am just able to sew straight squares.

  4. Great stars! It is more difficult than one would think to make wonky shapes, because our brains tend to fight us and make things straight and symmetrical - at least my brain does, and I have tried enough Jan Mullen patterns ( )to know. But it is great fun when you make it work. Have you noticed that there is a big wonky star quilt in the Material Obsession book as well?

  5. I love the odd shaped stars, so cute!

    I liked the other one too, though : )

  6. the stars are so nice... I like both, the butterfly and the star. Cos both are one of my favourite items. and I agree with Suzanne, you are really patient.

  7. even tho i liked your butterflies, this one is so pretty. i like that you added the corner triangles did you see i uploaded the quilt pix on flickr?

  8. Those are great Maverick Stars. Mine don't come out nearly so wonky. I really like how yours look! :-)

  9. oh thank so much for sharing this tutorial. I've been wanting to try something like this, but had no idea how to start. I love these...each unique.

  10. I love your stars. I have been wanting to try those for quite some time now.
