
Monday, August 11, 2008

Going on a diet!

I got this book in the mail today! I love it. A lot of you have it already, and I bought it because I kept seeing your awesome creations, made from patterns from this book :-)

My to-do list is now bordering on ridiculous, there are that many projects on it! So...I'm putting myself on a book-pattern-and-magazine diet for atleast 6 months...well until after Christmas...

-I should tell you, I have NEVER been succesful in sticking to a diet!
But....I need to start sewing a little bit more :-)

The good thing about the new diet is, it requires lots and lots of fabrics! So it's not all that bad....not at all bad actually!
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  1. I need to go on a diet too, I have so many projects swirling around in my head, and no time to make them! I definitely don't need any more inspiration. Of course, I am still reading all of my blogs, tons of inspiration there!

  2. I'm no good at diets either - good luck!

  3. As long as you keep showing us your projects!

  4. Goooood luck! I have to tell you that dieting around Christmas time is pretty touch. Everyone is cooking all those goodies.

  5. Oh Tine I could never keep a book and magazine diet. I have such a big collection and still eagerly await the next series. I have subscriptions to 3 different scrapbook magazines.

  6. Good book? I've considered buying it online but never have. Let me know what you think.

  7. I have that book, I have tried about one thing from it, ad keep promising to do more. Maybe I need to go on a diet too?! It's a great book.

  8. I wish I could stick to that kind of diet too! Good luck!

  9. I need to find some kind of routine for sewing and posting and STICK to it. I did lose a lot of weight a few years ago and I have to say, being disciplined about eating and exercise is EASIER than being disciplined with fabric and sewing! :-)

  10. Oh, I've seen this book and have been wondering about it. I'd love to know more of what you think. and look forward to more projects. :)
