
Friday, January 27, 2017

Sarah Fielke BOM - block 18

I have the flu 😷 
So I haven't posted in a few days, but before I got sick, I managed to finish this block for my Happy Days quilt
It's paperpieced , and it was fun to make!
Now I have 3 blocks to finish and the I can put this top together. And then borders! 
Decisions decisions 😉


  1. Both your paper pied blocks look lovely! Glad to hear you are on the mend. I cut out the last Hawaiian appliqué template yesterday, now to choose what fabric to stitch it with and then onto the priced blocks. Love how my huswif turned out for Dow the rabbit hole.

  2. Amazing to see we are both making this quilt of Sarah's. Your fabric choices are lovely Tine.

  3. Beautiful block. Hope you are feeling better soon. The flu is absolutely no fun at all!
