
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sarah Fielke BOM - Block 7

This was a difficult one to complete. But the purpose of joining the BOM was to learn - so the challenges are good.

Look! Points! That made me happy :) So far, so good!
Here is the block with the rest of what I have finished so far:

Well....the vine border block on the bottom is not completed. I am still working on that.

Today (or rather yesterday) was also a happy mail day. I received these needlekeeps, they are going to be really helpful for me to keep track of my appliqué needles.

Miss V wants the green one wiht the rabbit, so if I need more than one, I'll have to order a new one for me.

1 comment:

  1. Your sampler blocks are coming along nicely. I really like the colors you are using.
