
Monday, March 14, 2016

Getting Ready for Easter

I try to hang seasonal wreaths on our door, but since we don't have anything other than a Christmas wreath, we always have to make the wreaths for the specific season. And....well...let's just say, that doesn't always happen.

Today I bought 65m/71yards of ribbon, and Ask and I cut it into pieces and tied it to a metal ring.

Then I glued the little chickens onto it with some very strong and smelling glue. My fingers got stuck to the container, the ribbon, the chickens, the table....evrything I touched. Now I am wondering, when I will ever get the rest of the dry glue off my fingers again.. 

Anyway, we are quite pleased with our new Easter wreath. I doubt we'll be able to save it - after it has been out in all kinds of weather! But it's cute for now :)

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