
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Circles WIP

I may be the last quilter in blogland to make a circle quilt - but better late than never, right?
Actually, I am not even sure the final layout will be circles, I like all the different options this block gives.

The block size I am working with is 7'' sq, that's the size of each quarter circle.
I haven't been able to sew today, but I have spent some time cutting scraps. This will be my 2nd scrapquilt this year -if I finish it in time- and I still have so many scraps! I love scraps, so I am quite happy about it ;)
I treated myself to a new blade for my rotary cutter, and OH MY!!! What a difference! It was easy to cut fabrics after that! LOL! I am going to get a couple of spare blades, so I can change it more often - having to go over every cut 3-4 times really doesn't make sense!
You may laugh - I did!


  1. I love all your scrap quilts. They bring so much color and light into your (anybody's) life.

    I've tried some curved edges, and I just have a heck of a time with them. I guess I just need to practice, practice and practice some more.


  2. I haven't tried making anything with circles !
    Yours looks great so far.

  3. You are not the last! I have never made one either - you are so brave! I love the scrappy look of your blocks :-)

  4. I love your circle quilt! I still havn't made one yet, I think I need too. I am like you with my dull bladed rotary cutter, I need to buy a new one. They are just so darn expensive!

  5. I like scrap quilts they have a certain charm. This one is going to be lovely.

  6. Have you treated yourself to a new seam ripper? I use mine a lot, and wondered why the thread seemed so tough lately. LOL!

  7. cute! I made one for my niece but I'd love to make another and keep it!
