
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To-make in 2010

One of our dear friends' birthday is coming up. And you know me....any excuse to go fabric-shopping :)
I got these wonderful solids on sale. Even better! I am going to use red for binding -I think. We'll see. Maybe I won't be able to finish on time, as there is a lot of stuff keeping me from my sewing machine these days.
But if I don't finish in time for the birthday, that's ok, we'll get another present, and I'll get to make and keep the quilt ;D

I did sort of ok reaching my quilting goals for 2009.

A quilt for both my children to put on their beds (check)
A sampler for me using fabrics from the wonderful Anne (didn't make it)

So...50%! I did do a lot of other sewing, you can see some of the finished projects here, and some of the quilting bee blocks here.

As far as 2010 goals....I want to:

Sew curtains for our living room
Put together my SewConnected 2 top and finish the quilt
Make myself a sampler quilt from the fabrics from the wonderful Anne
Make a picnic quilt (preferably before summer!)

...better stop here. I am also in a couple of quilting bees, so I have some fun times ahead :)
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  1. You've had a busy year! I am amazed at how you manage to accomplish so much. Thank you for sharing your projects, and good luck with all the new ones.

  2. Yummy colors! I am working on the same is done, backing is purchased, now I need to baste and quilt. Love to see others take on same design!

  3. Oooo, can't wait to see the finished quilt, love the colors!

  4. Love the colors, the quilt will be gorgeous. Sometimes lists can be daunting, but you will get through it, I know you will.

  5. What pretty colours. Well done for reachign half of your goals. I have made a huge list -some are things I didn't manage to squeeze in in 2009.

  6. love those colours, it looks like you are going to have more fun sewing this year, Cool stuff,

  7. I just noticed your new header - it's gorgeous! Did you crochet the afghan on the end? Everything is so beautiful.
