
Monday, January 18, 2010

Home Life :)

It's still nice and quiet here, and we spend a lot of time inside...
The kids do love the snow, but they also like being inside. Miss V and I have started reading a longer book, and she is enjoying it so much. I like it too, the special reading time. Little A hates it. He's too young for it still....poor little A.
And, looking at this picture, you could argue that I should spend some time cleaning instead of reading silly stories and spending way to much time on the computer.

I did a little sewing. This is my January block for SC2, it's for Beth. Those fabrics are so pretty, I would never have picked them out myself (not before seeing them IRL anyway) but I just love them!
That's one of the things I like about Quilting Bees. Working with many kinds of prints and colors.

Speaking of colors.....I am in a group on Flickr called Self Portrait Friday. The idea is to take a picture of yourself every friday and post it in the group pool. That's 52 pictures in 2010. Of me. The thought is, that by the end of 2010, we should be more comfortable taking (and posting/seeing) pictures of ourselves.
I am not sure it will work. We'll have to wait and see. This is my picture for last week. I love my hair, but...I wish it would just be either blond or red. What would you call this??


  1. I agree with Melanie. Around here that lovely color is called strawberry blond. So pretty! I loved it when our boys got to be old enough to enjoy having chapter books read aloud to them. Good times!

  2. i can see that your home is full of lovely colors including your hair.

  3. There will always be housework. It is so important to play and tell your little ones big stories. Far more fun too.

    Yes I know what you mean about certain fabrics- on the roll you wouldn't look but a little snip here and there and sewn together is so beautiful.

    Strawberry londe hair- my son is the same. I'm not comfy in front of a camera only behind it.

  4. I'd call that blonde! :)

    I hear you on spending too much time reading and on the computer instead of cleaning....

  5. i would call it strawberry blond too. what book are you reading with v?
