
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Still undecided

Charles returned from his PhD course in Padua (close to Venice), Italy. I had hoped he would have a solution to my sashing-dilemma, but no such luck :) He brought me the beautiful glass paperweight in the top picture, I love it.
The paper it is sitting on, is the giftwrap from Ask's present. Isn't it gorgeous?! I made sure I saved it right away -it was not as if Ask was going to miss it. As soon as he saw the bag full of dinosaurs Charles had bought for him, he didn't care about anything else :)

To solve the sashing dilemma, I tried laying the blocks out on white fabric.
I am not crazy about this....maybe I just need to look at it for a couple of days. What do you think about it??

I am quilting my 8two8. Or trying to I should say. My machine is acting up :/
Hopefully I'll have pictures of the quilting next week.

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  1. Ooo love your millflori glass paperweight. Beautiful! You can buy jars of edible rock in the UK which is similar.

    Hmmm would the white look better in strong sunlight? It's not got that pizaz I think you are looking for. IMHO but the size I think is right for the sashing.

    Sorry to be as much use as a chocolate teapot. Good luck with finding the right colour.

    Perhaps another possibility would be to give each one a frame say from a 1 2 3 or 4 colour choice -whatever works best and then see about a sashing when there are less colours to go right against it?

  2. Made an off-white would be better, or even a light brown.. because you don't have stark tones.. you have more brown and earthy tones...? Just a thought...

    I think the white would stand out too much for the colors in your quilt...

    Don't take my word for it, though! Definitely do what you like!

  3. Hmmm, I am not really loving the white either......

    It'll come to you ...just keep experimenting.

  4. I love the paperweight, just beautiful!! I would have saved the paper too. Not crazy about the white, still like the yellow

  5. These blocks are great, but the white sashing detracts from them. Lay your blocks out on point and see what you come up with. Have fun play with them. Happy sewing!

  6. I imagined that the white would work so well, but now I think you need something to warm it up a bit, and the yellow is the best choice, I believe!

  7. Gorgeous paperweight - your DH spoils you!
    What could work for the quilt is if you took a square of denim and then put the blocks around it as a border. It would make a great picnic quilt.

  8. Though I hate to be the odd one out, I actually LOVE the white sashing. It makes each block look like a framed work of art. The paperweight is gorgeous! Charles is a good shopper (and a good gift wrapper).
