
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Once a week!

That is my new plan :) To devote one night a week to blogging.
And maybe I should devote one night a week to sewing seems to be difficult for me to find time to sew these days :/

I have made the block above for SewConnected2. I really like these virtual quilting bees, it's so much fun to see all the different blocks made from the same fabrics.

I also managed to piece a quilttop for A's I SPY. I based it on the "Turning Twenty" pattern (I forget who the designer is -help!)
This was fun to make, and could be put together really quick -a busy mom like me appreciates that!
I am going to piece the backing.......and so it is waiting for me to get back into my sewing room and get to work.

And another thing I have to find a pattern for, is a dinosaur cape. A found one in the dress-up clothes at our local library, and he loves it!
If you know of a pattern for one of these, please let me know :)
May was my month in the SC2 group, and I have almost all the blocks now.... I am playing with possible layout-ideas, here is a picture that shows all the blocks I have received so far:
Aren't they beautiful?! The colors in this picture are not very good, I'll have to take a picture outside once the top is all done.
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  1. This is a good plan.. you can do it!

    LOVE the blocks in the first picture.

    Wish I could help you with the dinosaur cape. But I just don't have any patterns like that laying around here. I don't think. Let me look. Has to be a cape.. not a costume.. right?

  2. Your plan is just like my plan, once a week. It does tend to work on the blogging front. The sewing front is definitely more. I just love the blocks you have received back, gorgeous!

  3. Yay! Tine is back! I love your quilts - they're gorgeous. Ask will love his I Spy quilt, and the blocks your friends sent are beautiful! What a neat concept to have everyone use the same fabric, but come up with a different block to make.

  4. Such fun colors! The I Spy quilt is gorgeous. Piecing the backing takes me so much longer than just buying one solid piece...but I have discovered lately that it gives two fun sides to switch off, so I guess that makes it worth it. Wish I could force myself to cut back to only one night blogging. I am addicted! Love the encouragement from other quilters and see all y'all's creativity!

  5. Hia Tine,
    good idea. I am working on one quilt on Thursday mornings (secret project) so it's getting done with that regular time slot. As for blogging, I'm trying to upload things when I have the time. I'm behind with answering emails though. It is hard to juggle the blog with family and crafting life, but I'm muddling along.

    Love your I spy quilt- I think it will make bed time more fun.

  6. oh gosh - it all looks so wonderful!
    The turning twenty pattern is so great isn't it? (I can't remember the author either - and I have the pattern somewhere...just can't find it right now!)

  7. Love to see you here again! I can hardly wait to see your creations!
