
Sunday, November 16, 2008


I decided to go with the white sashing for my sisters quilt. Both because I know how it shrinks, and because it is what I have in my stash. I love the idea of using linen, but I haven't worked with it before, so I'll try it in a couple of projects (not presents) first :)

Jackie suggested cornerstones, and since I have quite a bit of dots left, I decided to go with that idea! Thanks Jackie!

I cut all the pieces last night while watching an old Bond movie on tv.... So when I had a chance to sit down at my machine this afternoon, the first row went together pretty quickly. I am sewing the sashing a little differently than I normally would, but these blocks are a little wonky -probably because of all the unpicking- so I need to be a little careful. So far, so good!

Ask likes it :) He started using it as a dancefloor as soon as I put it on the floor to take a picture. LOL!
I always keep little sewing-related thingamabobs in my sewing room, so there is something for Viola to play with while I sew. Today she played with a new -and rather large- bag of different shaped sequins, there was hearts, elephants, flowers, fish, get the idea :)
She spent hours sorting these into different bowls, now that is really appropriate behavior for the daugther of librarians. LOL!


  1. Glad to hear that the quilt is coming along nicely!! It is great when the kids can enjoy playing/sorting with sewing accessories. I always had a big tin of interesting buttons that were a special treat for my kids to play with when I was sewing. Now they are older they like to sew/craft alongside me!

  2. Oh, it is coming right along. So CHEERFUL!

  3. That quilt is lovely - and it makes a great dance floor, too! Viola and her bowls of sequins made me smile. My son would have lined them all up in a long sequin parade. :>}

  4. The sashing looks great! It's good when the kids can take part in what's going on. My niece used to love sorting through my scraps when she was little and I gave her free reign whenever she came to stay. She just turned twelve, and there's no doubt about it - there's a budding crafter there - she has demanded sewing lessons when she visits next :-)

  5. That quilt does look like such a nice place to be dancing.
    I love your daughter sorting that is something Shakira would do.

  6. your quilt is shaping up nicely! I love the white sashing with the cornerstones. nice job!

  7. I've been meaning to ask about the Advent bags. I'm guessing you put goodies in them to be removed one each day of Advent? If so, do you wrap them, and what kind of goodies do you use? Sounds like a lot of fun!

  8. I like the progress on the quilt. Kids and animals, they all think they should walk on quilts. I used to have a dog that just knew it was his if I put it in the floor. Little kids are drawn to the pattern.

  9. your children's fascination with Mommy's stuff is a good thing. love the polka dot table covering and the collection of plates.

  10. Oh I love how those cornerstones look. Good suggestion from Jackie!

    The kids are so cute :-) I used to play for hours sorting buttons on my mom's beadspread when I was little. Viloa will be a quilter too for sure.

  11. your quilt blocks are coming along nicely and it looks like your kids are having a blast!

  12. I used to do that with sweets- sort them into colours etc. LOL

    Love how your dotty quilt top is coming along Tine. It's going to look so beautiful. I am so excited for you.

  13. Tine, the cornerstones are lovely! So pretty - and they really set off the white sashing. I love it! :-) And Ask looks so cute dancing on it - as if he is expecting different notes to come out of it. :-)
