
Thursday, November 27, 2008

I finished Spaceboy and Robot!

I finished them last night :) After taking Ask to the craft store to buy felt and wool. He was not happy! If you haven't tried any of wee wonderfuls patterns, you should! This was so easy to follow, and I think they came out cute :)

Because the kids have been sick, I have been inside for almost 2 weeks, only running the most important errands. So going out yesterday was fun :)
Christmas decorations are up everywhere!

This is the department store I showed you on the bike-ride. Now it is all decorated :)
These windows are beautiful! The windows are decorated in the colors of the rainbow, here is the yellow window..
I tried to get a shot where you could see them all, but no luck, there were too many bikes parked in front of the store :(

This is another department store, they have these huge Christmas-ornaments on the side of the building
They change color
Viola desperately wants one of these for her room :D
And another window....going through town is going to take so much longer this next month.
Both because there is just so much for the children to look at, and because there are so many people everywhere!!!

All part of Christmas....and really.....I love it :)


  1. Well I hope you find a way to make that dear little Viola one of those ornaments for her room this year. :-D

    Everything is just gorgeous. and the space people turned out so adorable!!

  2. beautiful pictures and wonderful toys. Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Spaceboy and Robot came out great!! I absolutely love the pictures you took of the decorations. The one where they change to purple is beautiful. The picture of the boy pressed up against the window is just precious.

  4. Well done on getting them finished. They look great.
    I love your shops and their decorations they look so beautiful and a little different to ours.

  5. The spaceboy and the robot look so nice! Oh, I love to see sceneries from Copenhagen - would be nice to do shopping at those department stores!!! It is so nice to walk in the streets and see all the Christmas decorations there!

  6. i want a Wee Wonderful too. Ask is going to love them. the window decorations you took are so nice. & i love the huge ornaments on the sides of the building. you could probably whip one up for Viola.

  7. Well done for finishing Spaceboy and Robot. They do look good.

    Thank you for sharing a little of Copenhagen. All I knew about it was the mermaid sculpture inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's story.

    LOL why is it that children insist on wanting what we can't make? I swear they do it deliberately. LOL

  8. Spaceboy and the robot look great - Ask will love them I'm sure!

  9. Spaceboy and robot look awesome and will no doubt be well loved toys!!! Love the window displays in your part of the world - thanks for sharing!

  10. I can see why Viola likes the purple starry decorations! They are her for sure. I'm enjoying seeing how Christmas is observed in your part of the world. Everything looks lovely - not a bit of plastic tackiness to be seen. Unfortunately we have a lot of that here. :>}

  11. Oh! Space Boy and Robot are amazing. I love all the embellishments - Ask will have such fun with them.

  12. Those decorations look great. I would love to visit the big city this time of year...

  13. Robot and Spaceboy are wonderful. I think I need to make them for my grandson. :-)

    Thank you for the wonderful city Christmas photos. Raleigh isn't that kind of city...sigh.

  14. robot and space boy turned out so cute!!!

  15. big cities always look so magical with the lights!
