
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Zig-zag wip and present from Karen!

Karen sent me this lovely package! Look how pretty everything is wrapped. Karen sent me so many wonderful things. There are lots of different fabric-scraps, a bookmark-kit, a sheet to print my own pictures on fabric (YAY! Thank you!!), and a huge piece of the blue fabric with sun and shooting stars
Thank you so much Karen! I love it all!

I finished my paper this morning, Charles is turning it into a pdf for me, so I can send it to my professor tonight :-)
So....what to do? I probably should go buy the books I need for my next class. It starts monday, and I need to read 180 pages before then!

But I really miss my sewing machine, so I made some more flying geese, and decided I want to make a zig-zag quilt. It would probably be a lot easier making a zig-zag quilt from half-square triangles. LOL! That'll be next time!
I like these dots. I was afraid it was way too pale with all the white and the soft colors, but I quite like it. I think I have just been working on Charles' quilt for too long. I need to finish that!
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  1. Wonderful gift from Karen! Good luck on your paper! I am sure you will do fine. The zig zag quilt is fabulous.

  2. Love Karen's packaging too! Lucky you! I love your dotty zigzag and Yes, I would think that HST's would be easier than flying geese but it looks great~!

  3. it's fun to watch you turn little pieces into beautiful projects. i have had mixed results with fabric paper. i think it is the combination of paper, ink & copier. i was tricked by a comment into thinking your dots were going to be trees. the zig-zag works with the dots. when you stop by you'll see that i left you a little something.

  4. Hi Tine-
    I was just wondering with all the classes you're taking what your ultimate goal is? Just curious...:)

    What a nice package from your friend-I always love getting mail!

  5. What a cute quilt! I love the dots against the white.

  6. I really like the quilt with the dots. So cute!

  7. Ohh. I like that zig zag quilt. How cute.

  8. Congrats on getting your paper finished. Nicely done! And good luck with the reading - I hope it is a really interesting book, otherwise 180 pages will seem like too much. I like your zig-zag quilt - such pretty colors.

  9. I love the packaging on the presents, that is so sweet. Wow you really can get things done Tine, good on you and I like the soft colours on the quilt.

  10. Lovely gifts, awesome quilt and 1 class down. Congratulations!

  11. Working on one project for a long time can be trying!!!! Which is why I have so many on the go ... and so many unfinished!!!!
    Thank you for your kind words regarding my binding tutorial ... I hope that it is of use!

  12. Tine, those zig zags are the sweetest!

  13. I think I need to make a zig zag quilt now. This looks awesome!

  14. i like the look of this! love how the polka dots pop with the white

  15. i love how these creative people package their gifts. the packaging are like presents in themselves. i ADORE this zig zag. dots, dots, and more dots. it would be perfect for me!

  16. I love the zig-zags! It's a very beautiful way to do flying geese!

  17. I love the zig zag quilt. I've been seeing them all over blog land but have yet to give it a try. Yours is inspiring!

  18. I love your dots and the zigzags! I think the colors are perfect.
