
Monday, September 1, 2008

Making sushi

Viola loves sushi. Her favourites are maki-rolls with cucumber or avocado. I have bought sushi for her before, but it is pretty expensive, and since I'm hoping Ask will like it too, I figured it was time to try making some myself.

I think these are okay for a first try :-)
We'll have to see what Viola says.
I need to figure out how to make the smaller rolls, they are more bite-sized for the kids, and easier for them to eat.

It was fun, not messy, and if Viola likes them, I'll be making these again!

I have started making Advent-calenders for the kids, but misplaced an appliqué-piece, so that is left out of sight -and out of mind for a while. I hate ripping sticthes! But I suppose we all do!

I have cut the sashing for Charles' quilt, and the binding for the Plain I just need Ask to get better, he's teething again, and in a really grumpy mood!
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  1. i've never made or even eaten sushi..guess i should probably give it a try. (mental block i think) yours looks pretty.

  2. Poor Ask, hope he gets better and tries sushi.
    Your sushi looks so yum Tine, I love sushi but have never made it. Wish I could visit to try some of your homemade sushi. (I had written handmade instead of homemade)

  3. That looks really good. I also like the pictures of your quilts.

  4. I also have never tried eating or making sushi, but yours looks good. I hope they both liked it!

    I'm looking forward to seeing your Advent Calendars. You are so organized, having your Christmas sewing so far along already. That tree over there is a helpful reminder!

  5. They look yummy! The only type of sushi I like is avocado and cucumber sushi and these ones look delicious!

    Ruth xx

  6. Wow! I love sushi, but I have never tried to make it myself! I hope Ask will be soon better again!

  7. nice yummy sushi there... it is one of my fav food too... try putting less rice, it will make the roll smaller :)

  8. Glad you found your way to my blog.
    Now I think I would like sushi in those flavours. Am not a fish person so am usually put off by them.
    I also studied Libarianship...Was a primary teacher librarian then upgraded to a Grad Dip Lib....which I somehow never bothered to collect.
    Great career. I loved my decade in libraries.

  9. I have never made nor eaten sushi before, but yours looks so good, it makes me want to try it!

    Also , I love the color of your kitchen tiles!

  10. The sushi looks great! My son loves sushi too and we have tried our hand at making it. Although, I have to say that buying it was much easier. I hope that Ask feels better. Yeah for the running!!

  11. You have totally inspired me! I forgot how much I love making my own sushi. I will be making some tonight with Isabella-yum!

  12. wow that is awesome that viola like sushi!! my fave is with avocado too! hopefully ask will pop those teeth out soon. your sushi look great! fab first try!!

  13. I make sushi all the time! To make a smaller roll, cut the nori sheet in half widthwise (I think that's across, anyway!) and just use one half. When you cut the avocado and cucumber, cut them in thin, narrow pieces-think cucumber matchsticks-and don't use too much. It is sooo much cheaper to make it yourself, I almost never go out for it now!

  14. isn't it funny how kids love sushi! Abby loves it as well - but she won't eat the avocado - so any sushi eating at restaurants is preceeded by her messily pulling apart the beautifull wrapped rolls, flicking the avocado off (with disgust) and then attempting to smoosh it all back together. And I was hoping she'd grow out of this! Hmmm.... Hope Ask likes it and that his teeth grumping is over! :-)
