
Friday, June 27, 2008

What to do?!

I've started quilting the I SPY. If I don't get my act together, this will end up as a UFO and will clutter up both my sewing room and my mind! I can't stand having these unfinished things lying around, they are constant reminders, of what I need to do.

So I started pinning... I bought a little box of safety pins, but nowhere near enough for basting a quilt this size. So I used regular pins, and it worked out fine. Actually a lot better than I expected! I gave my new walking foot a test-run, and I must be doing something wrong :-( It looked horrible, the fabric on the back got all pulled and wrinkled -like it does when the tension is off....

I need to bind it, and then I will show you some pictures of the whole thing...but it may be a while! The kids and I are going to my parents' house next week. But so far so good, right!

And thank you all so much for your nice comments wishing Charles a speedy recovery! He had caught a very persistent bug, but he is all better now. Thank goodness!
......but he has not eaten any jam yet. He did taste it, though, but only because Viola asked him.......who can say no to a 3 year old asking a nice and polite question?!
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  1. Beautiful quilt. I love the colors! Good luck getting the machine to do the quilting. Have fun at your parents house.

  2. stop in at your local quilt/fabric shop to get some machine quilting tips. The experience of others will help you avoid the bunching in the back. It's practice really...

  3. I have had the same trouble. I found that if I smoothed the three layers together over a table (instead of on the floor which I tried first) and pinned a lot, it worked better. I have also said, "Never mind, I'll just tie it." and done so. A tied quilt is a nice poufy comforter, and a quick finish when I felt defeated by the quilting process. I am embarrassed to admit that I did that as recently as last year when I made a Sponge Bob quilt for a friend's child. Good luck to you, and have a wonderful visit with your parents! I'm so glad you are all feeling well again.

  4. Love the colourful fabrics in the I Spy quilt - I am sure your children won't care what the back looks like! I usually support the weight of the quilt with an ironing board placed adjacent to the sewing table which reduces some of the drag which can affect the stitching. Good luck! Have a great time away.

  5. So bright colours you have! It looks very much summer quilt! Maybe it is better to practise first quilting with a tiny piece, which is as thick as your larger quilt. I wish you all a happy staying at grandparents!

  6. Thanks for the advice! I've looked around blogland and read tutorials....
    I tried my walkingfoot out on a small piece (just 2 small pieces of fabric with batting inbetween), and I couldn't make it work :-/
    So I didn't use the walkingfoot on this, used my regular pressurefoot! And it wasn't all that bad :-)

  7. Can't wait to see the finished I-Spy quilt. And, your jam looks beautiful!

  8. Sorry to hear about your quilting troubles. I would ask at my LQS...they can solve a problem so quickly sometimes!

  9. Oh my - you've got me craving strawberries and wishing I knew how to sew. I have no quilting knowledge to share, but I wanted to say that your work is beautiful.

  10. Oh Tine that looks lovely. I understand you saying about UFO,s I hate having them around as they clutter my creative mind.

  11. P.S. I forgot to mention how much I like your new header. I am going to figure out how to do that! My sister is here with me admiring your blog, and she asked what "Sodeste" means. I've been wondering, too.
