
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Time to sew

I finished Violas Mickey Mouse pants today, they are mid-calf-length, which she finds very wrong! "Mom! They are too small! These are not mine they are Asks!!" So maybe I will put them away until they fit another 2 years :-)

I did sew a pair of pants she likes, I forgot to take a picture, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see them!

And Tonya was talking about forgetting things... I was driving myself nuts today, loosing everything. First, it was this:

I could have used a measuring tape instead, but I had just had it, and it must be here somewhere..... Eventually found it on my desk by the sewing machine!

Next it was my safety-pin. No, you did not misunderstand... This is my one and only safety-pin. Who, besides me, has only one!!?? That in itself is pretty silly (I always forget to buy more), but then loosing the one I do have!! That is really bad!

Well, I found that too, and promised myself -again- that I will buy myself some more safety-pins asap :-D

Now my sweetie is getting impatient, we have a stay-at-home-mini-date-while-the-kids-are-sleeping planned -so I'm off!
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  1. Yutarets! kasagad bah!

  2. You are funny! Only one safety pin, and that one missing. I'm glad you found it. I'm with Viola, I don't like calf length pants either.

  3. my your children are lucky having a mummy that makes so many lovely pairs of pants! I must confess, when Abby was in preschool, she wore knee length cotton shorts everyday in all kinds of fabric - fairies, dragons, pirates, batiks, aboriginal prints, strawberries - she was famous for her shorts. But then they get older and they no longer think these are cool - so you make pillowcases instead! :-) I'm so with you on the safety pin - I have jars full but there's only one special big one I want to use for elastic etc. If it can't be had - there's chaos! p.s. that's one COOL ruler!

  4. oh... lovely pants. I have challenged myself to sew a pair of pants yet... soon.
    btw, u have been tagged...

  5. I'm forever losing things .... all the time. I spend most of my sewing time saying "I just had it a moment ago?!" The bobbin cover on my sewing machine is clear-plastic and almost invisible .... aaaaahhhhh!

  6. We all have days were you just lose things. I like the mickey mouse pants but my daughter is not keen on 3/4 length either.

  7. those Mickey Mouse Pants are so adorable....

  8. LOLOL

    I had this one little bitty safety pin that I would use with really tiny elastic, like you, only one! Well, like you I lost it! I had to make a trip to the fabric store just for a stupid safety pin, I bought a bunch! LOL

    hope you had a nice stay at home date, I think those are my favorite : )
