
Saturday, May 17, 2008


Viola and I went to the Danish equivalent of Home Depot, and she really wanted to bring this little house home -and the slide! Can I have the slide, mom? Pleeeeease!!
But no :-(
We bought the stuff we needed, and to make sure the trip was not all bad, we went for something to drink...
Also I needed to figure out how to bring home that 80x80 cm bulletin board we bought.. I know my bike is big, but it's not that big!

This slush-ice did make her feel a lot better about the whole no-we-cannot-bring-the-house-home affair. Especially when she figured out, how red and blue make purple!

It's not that I don't sympathize with the play-house situation. This is the tent my kids play with....and let's just be honest, it's very very ugly!

We just don't have enough room to have a house that can't be put away. When taken down, this fits nicely under our sofa... But it is still ugly!

Then I saw this in a magazine:

and I thought.... Hmm, this is pretty! Maybe I could sew a pretty tipi for the little ones? It would be pretty, it would be something I could put away when it's not being used, it would be made with love...

So.. Does anyone know of a pattern, or some instructions for making a tipi?
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  1. You should so make one of those. I hope you find a pattern.

  2. When my kids were younger, I put together a similar teepee. I remember getting the idea from Family Fun magazine. I just checked and it is still on their website (, just search for "teepee" I think I used pvc pipes. I used painter's canvas, like they said, but I remember it being too heavy. Some pretty fabric would be fun. Good luck - it's nice to have little ones to do these things for isn't it?

  3. I don't think the tent is ugly at all. It's just not purple. ;>} Could you drape some purple fabric over it? Thanks for your comment on my blog! I think it is very cool that you and I can look at the same tree even though we're an ocean apart!

  4. Perhaps you could cut a pattern from the "ugly" tent and reuse the same frame?

  5. I've always wanted to make a teepee - here's the pattern I was going to use - - so many possibilities for decorating it and using really great fabrics - some of the heavy upholstery fabrics at Ikea would work really well - you know the cream background with the big blue and green trees? That would so CUTE with blue pompoms down the flaps! Oh! I think we might need a teepee asap - I could sit in it and cross stitch!

  6. I'm writing about your bike. Very interesting. One rides on the back and one in front?? And you can haul your groceries too? You must be in great shape. I know, us Americans are sooo lazy...

  7. What a great idea to make a house that you can put away. The colours of the one in the brochure are so happy and cheery colours.

  8. I've been meaning to make a fabric teepee, too, and I've eyed that Butterick pattern that lilyboot mentions. Cath Kidston used to sell a darling one, but I don't see it on her Web site anymore. I'm sure it was pricey, though--all the more reason to buy that Butterick pattern next time it's on sale for $2!

  9. @suzanne: The bike is pretty great. I can fit 2 kids in front, and one the little extra seat in the back. My little one sits there, because he's not big enough to sit in front yet... And yes, I can stack a good deal of groceries in there too. And there's no problem finding a parking place for it!

    And thank you all so very much for the ideas on the teepee! I looking forward to getting started on that project :-)

  10. I've made that Butterick teepee pattern! It is pretty good sized when it sets up, but can be folded down and stored in a closet. GREAT TEEPEE!! You can do it, too! Good Luck!

  11. Thought of you and your teepee this weekend, Tine. I was at a craft fair in the middle of nowhere (we had a long weekend here, so we rented a lake cabin and there happened to be a parade and fair in a small town nearby). Anyhow, they were selling teepees like this for $49. I thought that was pretty cheap considering how much fabric it probably takes to make one. Anyhow, next time you're in rural North Idaho ...

  12. @Emily: Thanks! I'd love to go to north Idaho!! I have been thinking the same thing.... It's so many yards of fabric! And then there's the frame...and the time you spend making it! The one in the picture is app. $60....
