
Sunday, May 25, 2008


I went to a quilt-show once....ages ago it seems. And there were a lot of beautiful quilts there, I am sure. But for some reason, I only remember one quilt, this was before digital cameras, so I don't have an awful lot af pictures!

The quilt was called manhole-cover, and apparently, the quilter had taken pictures of these for years, and had finally decided to use one of the designs in a quilt.

I thought it was beautiful, and a fun idea.... I took these photos today, wouldn't these designs make some fun quilts?
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  1. What a great idea. I especially like the last picture. Wouldn't that make a fun quilt with the little fish on it? Thanks again for your "tours" I loved your previous post with the tower bookstore.

  2. How clever! and wow.. I've never seen manholes like that!! what a work of art.

  3. Hmmm, the manhole covers look nothing like that where I live! LOL

    Those are gorgeous!

  4. What a brilliant idea - manhole cover art!

  5. I'll be looking at manhole covers wherever I go now! These are all lovely, I especially like the last one with the fishes.

  6. Yugs, daw nabasahan ko naman ni sa iban nga blog?

  7. Wow, these are gorgeous. much nicer than I've ever seen anywhere. thanks for stopping by my blog!

  8. That last one is so great - I could totally see that one as a quilt!

  9. How lucky you are to have such beautiful, inspirational manholes around! It's really a great idea.

  10. Hey! Cool! You should look at the New Orleans Water Meter things... very quiltable!
