
Friday, May 30, 2008


We stayed in and played today :-) Ask really loves his train!
Didn't get any sewing done, I had to tackle the mountain of laundry!

The weekend will be busy too, and next week I have to start studying for my exam.... So who knows when I'll get to finish the I SPY. Of course I already have a ton of ideas for my next project! LOL!

I never did show you my finished paper.... Here it is:

Tootsie is on tv! -see ya....
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  1. My brother had a train set just like that when we were little, I loved it. My Mother still has it and my little cousins play with it all of the time.

    Good luck with the exam!!

  2. We have a train like that only it's on a table, in our waiting room at work. All the children love it. Nice work on your paper!

  3. Good luck with the study. Try and get some relaxing time as well. Have a good weekend.

  4. Congratulations on finishing your paper!

  5. My kids are all big now, I miss the little hands and feet. Seeing them and the trains ( a favorite at our house takes me back). Glad your paper is finished.

  6. I have a train set like that (I say I, I really mean little ginger one, but I like it best!). I also have a quilt very similar that we sit our train track peculiar!!!

    Your paper looks very professional, I am in awe!!!

  7. nice little train set, it looks like he ask loves it. did you make the blanket he is on?
