
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Huge presents! Happy kids :-)

This is what I did today, I worked on my paper. I'm happy to report, that Ask is doing so well at daycare :-) He already has a lot of little friends. One of the other boys gave him a hug goodbye yesterday! I was so happy!
I missed my post last night, because I fell asleep.......again!

Today my sister is here, and she brought presents for the kids. Ask got a Duplo giant zoo, he was a little bit afraid of the box -it was bigger than him. LOL!

Viola liked all the animals too...

She got the Belville royal winter stables, lots of pink and purple, glitter and princesses...
-and a few borrowed animals from the zoo!

They both had so much fun playing with their new LEGOs, I'm sure it'll be the favourite toys for a very long time...

I'm beginning to be able to relax a little when Ask is at daycare, it makes it a lot easier to get some work done on my paper. I can't wait until I'm done with it....


  1. I'm happy to hear Ask is having a good time at daycare so you can relax on that front and concentrate on your paper - don't work to hard now, though!
    That Lego looks so much fun that I'd like to play too ;-)
    I remember an incident from when my nephews were little and my sister and I got out the Lego at gran's house to show them and we ended up building houses and squabbling over the roof pieces while the boys wandered away - apparently we were too childish :-D

  2. How fun to have your sister to visit! It's wonderful that Ask is enjoying daycare - what a relief. Good job working on your paper so diligently. May I ask what the topic is?

  3. I'm pleased to hear that Ask is getting on so well at daycare and that he has a little friend. It must put you mind at rest a little.

    Those gifts look cool, you must have a great sister!

  4. Charles and I did have a very hard time keeping our hands off the LEGO. It's so much fun!! And yes, my sister is really great, and she spoils the kids so much -I love that!

    My paper is on conducting searches for patents-information. It's quite interesting, but I'm afraid I don't really have enough time (and energy) to do as good a job as I want to :-(
    Oh well, you can't do it all, and the kids come first!

  5. Presents are fun. And, I'm so glad that Ask is adjusting well. :)

  6. Ha! I too was going to ask what the paper is on - and now I know. Sort of - don't really understand the idea of searching for patents-information but never mind! :-) Abby loves belville lego too, it's so sweet! And the zoo is fab! Lucky Ask! Sounds like he must be really getting into the swing of things.

  7. I am so glad that Ask is enjoying his daycare : ) And glad your paper is coming along.

    The toys look like so much fun, I loved playing with things like that when I was a child.

  8. Lego is a great gift. Good luck with the paper. I hope you get the time you need to work on it.

  9. what great gifts! Legos have to be the best invention ever. we have thousands of them and my kids love them.
