
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Flu :-(

I wanted to stay in bed today, but had to settle for staying inside!
Spent Asks naptime -he slept a full 20 minutes, as he has a bad cold too- taking a few pictures.

I'm trying to get my sewing-area organized, so far I have organized most of my fabrics

There should be a couple of projects worth.... But, since half the fun is shopping for fabrics, I suspect I will add to my stash before I even get started on a new seing project!

These are some of my sewing-books. My sweetheart reads cookbooks, I love to read quilting magazines and patchwork-books. I like to look at the pictures, and be impressed with the work! It's the same with blog-reading....I love to see what all you creative minds come up with.

The next ones I get wil be Lisa Boyers books. If you don't know her blog, you should visit. Her work is amazing!

Oh....I almost forgot!
Look what my sister bought me for my birthday!!!!

It's almost as if she knew I was planning to make her a quilt for Christmas. Now I probably have to. Especially if she reads my blog! LOL!


  1. First, I'm sorry your sick. The flu stinks! Second, I WANT ALL THAT FABRIC AND BOOKS!!


  2. Feel better soon!!! ... but maybe I need your flu if it would help me make my fabric stash that neat and pretty ;-) I thought I was the only one with a book addiction..! I love those home decorating ones that show you how to make junk look good!

  3. get well soon, EQ 6 is definitely more fun without sniffy nose and headache.I will read Lisa 's books too, your book shelf looks inspiring!
