
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Sarah Fielke BOM - Block 19

I had a hard time choosing fabrics for this last block of month 3, block 19. I ended up making it very coordinated, the overall look of the quilt is going to be so scrappy, that I decided to keep the colors within the blocks more "calm"

This is before glueing the pieces down. Lots of curves in this block, lots of inside points - great for practising!

This is my progress so far:

I finished all the setting stars, and I have 3 vine border blocks left to stitch. But I have until October to get those done, so no rush...

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Splendid Sampler - Block 13, 16 and a bonus block...

It's been a while since I made some of the splendid sampler blocks, and you really do fall behind pretty quick... Today I started out just prepping some of the blocks, I had a really bad headache, and then prepping is a nice and quiet activity....

This evening, I was ready to sew, and I started by making block 16 "Pieces of Friendship"

I moved on to block 13 "Scrap Stars" - this one was a little tricky, so I took my time. I was so pleased that it came out the right size, because that's a lot of seams in one little 6.5'' block :-)

The last block I pieced today is a bonus block. Why not make an extra, when there are 4 patterns waiting for me.......??
But I just love this "Inside Out" block - and it really is a fast block to put together

I would like to make a whole quilt of these - but then I would probably make each block bigger......and wonky :-)

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Sarah Fielke BOM - Block 1: The Bird Block

I have made some progress on my Sarah Fielke BOM "Happy Days". Somehow, between my different projects, I just don't seem to finish anything these days :-)

Anyway....this BOM is so fun, and I am learning so much. I would never have dared try to needleturn applique something like this bird:

But tonight I finished it, and I am so happy with how it turned out

Next up is a block with lots more circles, inside curves and small pieces....I can do it!

Friday, April 8, 2016

X-wing block tester!

I have loved Kristy Lea/Quietplays patterns for a long time, so when she asked if I would test her new pattern for a 12''  paperpieced x-wing block, I said yes!

 I am not the most skilled paperpiecer ever, but this pattern is so well made, that even I could follow it :)

The block came together so easily, just follow her very simple instructions, and everything will fit together perfectly. 

This pattern is ready in the Quietplay pattern shop on Craftsy, you can also try one of the other patterns - I know I will - and go take a look at her instagram feed, there are so many beautiful projects!!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Splendid Sampler - Block 12 "Checkerboard"

This was a fast and fun block to sew. I didn't cut all the little sqaures, but cut 1.5'' strips and went from there. I considered choosing a different color for each strip, but I have made the decision to stay as close to the original patterns as possible. For me to learn as much as possible.
So here it is:

This block was designed by Pat Sloan. It was fast and fun to sew. Makes me want to finally sew that trip around the world quilt :)