
Friday, May 22, 2009

8two8 March and April

These are blocks I made for Tia for the 8two8 group. Tia wanted liberated stars, 4 to a 15" block -which proved quite a challenge :) But we all managed, and Tia has already put the quilttop together. She's such a fast quilter!!
Next up was Lisa, and she asked for any pattern, in black and white.
I have nevet worked with black and white before, so it was fun to try :) I am very happy she likes these.
I have 7 days left to finish my paper, and it looks like it'll be fine. I am very impatient, and cannot wait to get back to my sewing machine. I wonder if I can remember how to use it??
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Friday, May 8, 2009

Welcome to the kids' new room!

Ohhh...this used to be my bedroom, but Violas room was just too small for both kids, so something had to be done :) Viols has been asking for bunkbeds for awhile...she really wants to tell her friends, that she sleeps in the top bunk.

But...let's go in. That huge white thing there is a closet. Gigantic, but we need the storage :) I put some stickers on it to make it a little more appealing to the kids.
Beneath the bed are some drawers one with LEGOs and one with FlexiTrax (Asks new favourite toy!)
This dresser holds their sheets....and the big white thing is Asks changing table, it opens up, and it has little shelves to hold wipes and diapers and stuff. Handy when you have a bathroom that's smaller than your bed -which is what we have. Lol! Again the stickers are there to help me not feel so bad about this taking up room in here ;)
This is also new. The red and blue buckets hold everything from Little People to trainsets. Very easy for the kids to get to their toys, and really easy to put everything away..
The black round thing behind it is a gigantig swing :)

This is their new window. They spend a lot of time looking out at the cars in the tiny parking lot next door! The mattresses are not supposed to be there, they are from the old beds. But I am hanging on to them for a while. Putting them at the bottomof the bed every night...just in case someone should fall out of bed :/

...oh, and I have 21 days of crazy stress left, and then my paper will (hopefully) be all done!