
Sunday, May 4, 2008

A day in the life of.....

This is Viola playing on the slide in front of our building! She loves that thing! I don't always love it so much, as it makes it very unappealing for a little girl to climb the 6 flights of stairs to the 3rd floor.

I didn't get much done today, besides the usual cleaning. I did get some fabric ready for washing, though. Viola picked these out by herself. She needs some sweatpants for the chilly mornings.

Obviosly that silvery blue fabric was an instant hit....and no.....they didn't have it in either pink or purple :-(

Appleblossoms....a present from Viola.

Keep your fingers crossed for Ask, he and I are going to visit his daycare every day next week, and hopefully after that, he'll be okay being there on his own.

-and I'll be sad, he's only 13 months old!


  1. Oh, do you have to leave him at daycare? I thought you stayed home? I would be sad too : (

  2. Oh. I'll be thinking of you and your son. :(

  3. Oh what beautiful flowers!
    I wont pretend to understand your feelings, having no kids of my own, but I have a nephew who started in kindergarten when he was a year old (four months ago)and he loves it - being with other kids, playing and being spoilt by the older girls who all want to be little mothers :-) Although it is sad to have to let go, especially at this stage when they develop so quickly, kids do gain a lot from the experience too.

  4. Oh, Tine, I do sympathize. I hope he decides it's a fun place to go when Mom has work to do, but it's still sad for you. They grow up so quickly. That slide looks like fun, too, but I can see how several trips up the ladder would make six flights of stairs seem like too many! I love that red starry fabric. I can't wait to see what you make out of it.

  5. oh your poor little one, hopefully he loves it and all his new little friends.

  6. Lovely fabrics your little one looks like she's having fun peeping through that slide. Thankyou for your nice comment about my beanbags on my blog you make some lovely things too I'm sure your baby will be fine it's hard to let go as a mum but lot's of activities new experiences will be good for his development I'm sure.
